Pet Portraits by Sue Wurzel


Portrait Gallery

Why Commission a Pet Portrait?

Or a Warm & Fuzzy Portrait?

A Watercolor Portrait?

Or a Line-Drawn Portrait?

Photo Tips

Cost and All That

Same Artist, but Less Furry Art

About the Artist


My Community













These hopefully shimmering pages were created by John Borchard ("jb") who takes the blame for constructing and maintaining all these sites as well ...

What should I do with this list?,     You might well ask. How to compare other peoples’ websites to tell how good (or bad) a webmaster is? My suggestion: look fast but not hard. Click some of the links at random.

Do the sites look all the same or different?     If they are all the same, then a webmaster just does sites “like those”, so unless you want one "just like that", (s)he will be unable to adjust to your aesthetics.

Do the sites generally look pleasant in the first 3 seconds, or irritating, confusing, annoying?     First impressions are perhaps more important on the web than anywhere else. You have no doubt heard the statistics, 96.4% of people hitting a page click away from it in the first 0.005 seconds (or some such). Well, it’s pretty much true. The Internet has serious ADD.

Is the page itself intriguing?     Even if you are not interested in the product or art or whatever that a site is pushing on you, is there something (besides desperation born in boredom) that got you to click a link or two on the page? That’s what you want. If the sites are all the same and you are bored (or irritated) to tears, there's no need to psychoanalyze it. Find another webmaster who's more your style!

Sue Wurzel's Art  (

John Borchard, Artist  (

Richard Messina Designs - Incredible Jewelry  (

Sue Wurzel's Pet Portraits  (

Marian's Paintings  (

The Pearl Goddess  (

Kantar Fine Arts  (

Venice Windows  (

Jonathan Palmer ~ painter ; oils and watercolors  (

Bella the Greyhound  (

Dendritics Scales  (

Frederick Noyes - Architects  (

Carla Carnes Pet Services  (

Villa Villekulla, the House  (

And of course ... links to friends' sites (for which I am not at all responsible):

Sidney Hutter, Glass Artist  (

Gallery Seven - Frame Shop & Fine Art Gallery  (

Susan Avishai - Portrait Artist, Illustrator, Fine Artist  (

Ellen Schon, Ceramics  (

David Kasman - Sculptor and Painter  (

Wendy Seller, Neo-Surrealist Painter  (

Joan Mullen, Sculptress  (

Marcy Stuart, Photographer  (

Cheryl F. Kates, IT Consultant  (

Will Kirkpatrick's hand carved and hand painted wooden decoys  (

Will Kirkpatrick's Paintings  (

Steven Kretchmer Designs  (

Boston Gems and Findings  (

Oranges & Lemons - Cindy Bailen, Color Consultant  (

Amelia Hankin, Printmaker  (

If you have questions, comments, or insults, please e-mail

Our webmaster - at work     Our webmaster - at work

  Images, Site © 2007-2025 Sue Wurzel  •  Created by jb [-]