I have loved animals all my life…everything
from hamsters to horses.

And I have loved art all my life…everything
from watercolor to weaving. After nearly three decades as a psychologist,
who always dabbled in animal art on the side, I have finally given
myself over to pursuing my muses and my pets full-time. What you
see on this website is a labor of love.

My training as an artist has come in bits and pieces. As a child,
I was always the artist in the class. I was the art editor of my
high school yearbook. In college I experimented in classes both
in studio art and in art history. More recently, I have taken classes
in drawing, illustration, collage, watercolor, weaving, and oil
painting at the New Art Center in Newton, Massachusetts, and at
the Cambridge Center for Adult Education. I have also taken semi-private
lessons with master painter Marian Dioguardi (,
and I am currently in a critique group with her.
Art Exhibits
Artists Association show at Newton
Public Library
Becket Artist Association show at Becket
Art Center of the Hilltowns, Becket, MA.
Becket Open Studios, Becket, MA.
Scandinavian Living Center, Newton, MA., solo show
Little Gallery Under the Stairs in Lynn Arts Center, Lynn, MA., group show
on theme of Goddesses (Cats, in my case)

Wildlife Sanctuary Gallery of the Massachusetts
Audubon Society in Sharon (Juried Exhibit on theme of Trees)
Citizen’s Bank in Newton Centre, Solo Pet
Portrait Show
Village Bank in Newton Highlands, Participant in Small Group Show
Scandinavian Living Center in Newton, MA. Newton
Artists Association Show
Open Studios, Newton, Massachusetts |